College Freshmen
- Orignal Form 138 or High School Report card
- Original Certification of Good Moral
Character from the High School Principal
- Certified true copy of Birth Certificate
- 3 copies of recent 2x2 picture*colored with white background
- Satisfactory CMCC entrance test result, personal interview and
physical examination to include recommended health screening
- ACR(Alien Certificate of registration)verified and authenticated by
by CHED(Commission of Higher Education) for aliens residing in the Philippines
- Short Brown envelope
College Transferees
- Satisfactory CMCC entrance test result,interview with
College Head and Physical Examination to include recommended health screening procedures.
- Transfer credential(Honorable Dismissal)
- Official Transcript of Record or scholastic record for
- Certified true copy of Birth Certificate
- 3 copies of recent 2x2 picture(colored with white background)
- Short brown envelope
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