The CMC team composed of Ms. Carmina C. Desales, MHA, FPCHA and Ms.Faridah A. Vicerra, participated in the Ist Annual Pacific Mayor’s Conference which is an event of the Association of Pacific Island local government held in Guam. It is a forum attended by mayors, vice-mayors, city officials and municipal council members from the Philippines, Guam, Northern Marianas, Palau and the Federated States of Micronesia. The missions of the conference are: to celebrate common elements in cultures and customs; to network in the areas of education, agriculture and commerce; to further business and investments; to assist in the availability of affordable health care; to improve and re-establish communication among families and friends.
CMC was the sole hospital and private organization from the Philippines that joined the conference. Given the opportunity to be one of the delegates, CMC was able to further its network to potential clients present during the conference.
We were able to meet and establish relationship with the Senators, Mayors, Vice- mayors and other local government officials including officers of various health care companies and organizations in the private sector.
CMC’s main goals in joining the event, are to introduce Capitol Medical Center as an ideal medical provider in the Philippines; to establish network with Guam, Pacific Islands, Northern Marianas, Palau and other nearby Islands; to strengthen relationship with existing clients Kosrae, FSM, Chuuk and Phonpei and to promote medical services to Filipino workers and other delegates of participating islands.
CMC’s relationship with Guam has been started through open discussion with the Mayors, officials of Guam, private organizations and the Filipino community.
The Ist Annual Pacific Mayors’ Conference was held last April 19 to 22, 2008. at Sheraton Laguna Resort in Guam.
Photo shows L to R, Ms. Carmina C. Desales, VP/COO, Capitol Medical Center, Mayor Paul M. McDonald, Agana Heights, Mayor John A Cruz, Hagatna, Ms. Tessie Marcos and Mr. Gerry Marcos |